The secret sauce of successful organisations

Ever wondered what made Apple successful or why 2lakh fifty thousand gathered in Washington mall on the summer of 1963 to listen to Martin Luther King. The answer is simple, they all addressed the why, not what. The why speaks about the purpose, the motivation and that’s what make people buy the products, drive customer … Continue reading The secret sauce of successful organisations

How Shackleton case study connects with the crisis times!!

Personality traits of Shackleton that led him to be remembered one of the best crisis leaders of his time:• He was observant and kept a keen eye on the people.• He was an ambitious person. He had a grand mission about reputation, glory and scientific endeavour.• He had a likeable personality. He knew how to … Continue reading How Shackleton case study connects with the crisis times!!

The SaaSsy… Story – how an organisation shaped other businesses and paved its way to glory!

It was the ever-known famous Darwin who explained that it’s not the strongest, but the most adaptable that survive. His entire theory rested on this idea, that the species which were better adapted to the environment around them would endure, and the rest, unable to compete with the better-equipped species, would perish. How SaaS fits … Continue reading The SaaSsy… Story – how an organisation shaped other businesses and paved its way to glory!

Group think, the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the Leadership

Group think is a phenomenon which occurs when an individual forfeits his/her opinion from the group, even when if its non-sense. Group think happens in highly cohesive groups, whose members are feeling positive towards the group, and with strong motivations to retain the membership in the group. The stresses generated during decision making, gets manged … Continue reading Group think, the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the Leadership

Leveraging the Concept of Crucibles and Integrity in workplace

Individuals do get exposed to life turning events in their life, which when mean – making done, that is the process where individuals make sense out of that turning point. Mc Adams has given a theory known as life story model of identity.It has been even emphasised by Andrew Solomon in his TEDx talk, that … Continue reading Leveraging the Concept of Crucibles and Integrity in workplace

Industry exposure at MA ODCL, TISS, Mumbai (Part 2 of 4)

Let us start this post by discussing the question raised at the end of the last post – “Can people really change?”. Researchers have found that personality traits can have a significant change over the course of life, especially post successful therapy (Roberts, et. al. 2017). Furthermore, some traits can change significantly more than some … Continue reading Industry exposure at MA ODCL, TISS, Mumbai (Part 2 of 4)

How PESTEL Analysis help Organizations

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to stay happy always? It is a pleasure to be around such people as their positivism is contagious. As a kid, I always felt that some people are naturally wired and gifted to take things easy. As I grew, I had an affiliation with the growth mindset. … Continue reading How PESTEL Analysis help Organizations

Leading with a difference: the ‘affects’ of empathetic leadership

Operation Dynamo (Dunkirk evacuation), Port of Dover, United Kingdom, 1940 A.D.Old Man (handing blankets to rescued soldiers): “Well Done Lads…! Well done…Well done…”Soldier: “All we did was survive”Old Man: “That’s enough. Well done!”(Dunkirk, 2017) Of all experiences one can have in an organization, the warmth of empathy is something one cherishes forever and carries along … Continue reading Leading with a difference: the ‘affects’ of empathetic leadership