Leadership Development Intervention: To develop leaders who are filled with Agape

Agape is “love of benevolence”, which is closely similar to the Confucian notion of ‘ren’, translated as “benevolence” of “loving others” (Mele, D., 2012). It is universal love, such as self-giving love, love for strangers, nature, or God.  It is unconditional love and helps to build and maintain the psychological and social relations that sustain … Continue reading Leadership Development Intervention: To develop leaders who are filled with Agape

Is Agile Transformation: A Techno-Structural OD Intervention?

As the world of business is changing at a pace higher than ever before, there is an increased need for organizations to rapidly adapt and respond to these internal and external changes such as technological, structural, political, social or environmental. In management, agility is a term which is frequently used today in response to the … Continue reading Is Agile Transformation: A Techno-Structural OD Intervention?

Digital Age: A New Talent Management Strategy

COVID-19 has turned into a global crisis, evolving at unprecedented speed and scale. It is creating a universal imperative for organizations to take immediate action to protect their people.The impact of COVID-19 has triggered an acceleration of Digital HR, as new ways of working forced organizations to tap into their technologies and pushed creative ways … Continue reading Digital Age: A New Talent Management Strategy

Increasing Curiosity in Your Learners: The Why, What and How?

Curiosity and Learning Why is curiosity such a great thing for learning? Clearly if it did kill the cat then it isn’t a very useful state because death tends to curb the learning process but perhaps that particular old wives’ tale also goes with the one about cats having nine lives. Cats and people are … Continue reading Increasing Curiosity in Your Learners: The Why, What and How?

Group think, the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the Leadership

Group think is a phenomenon which occurs when an individual forfeits his/her opinion from the group, even when if its non-sense. Group think happens in highly cohesive groups, whose members are feeling positive towards the group, and with strong motivations to retain the membership in the group. The stresses generated during decision making, gets manged … Continue reading Group think, the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the Leadership

Can power be created, if it’s not there already?

I was going through a video launch of the book “Rescuing the economy”, and it made me think that what is the necessity of power actually? Or, how important power is to achieve what you want to. It is very interesting to note that how a politician like P.V. Narasimhan Rao carried on himself the … Continue reading Can power be created, if it’s not there already?

What innovation culture looks like?

Staying in this organization for about a month, and knowing that innovation is one of its core values, I am feeling this desire of knowing what culture of innovation actually means and how it looks like. Who actually plays the “innovation” part? Is it everyone? Do such organizations actually take care of this during their … Continue reading What innovation culture looks like?